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Scratch Material Project

The scratch material project was intended to investigate an area of research freely to consider various ways to take the research. The scratch material projects were broken into two experiments. The information and visuals below show how the scratch projects have been used to shape and consider the project.




The first project involved understanding notations across the Temple Church Ruin, and how these notations could be used to inform the shape of a design proposal. The notations were used to form shapes that could be made out of wire, either steel or carbon fibre (the material that I researched). This scratch material project has influenced the structure of my proposal, with tensile cables used to provide additional structural stability.



The second project fed off the research of the first. This was to investigate the form of the existing Temple Church instead of researching the notations of the architecture around the site. A model was made to represent the Temple Church. This was further investigated through lighting the model to see what shadows could be created.


Using the existing structural grid of the temple, this project still investigated the idea of using carbon fibre as a form of tensile structure. With the form of the church represented, this gave me the idea of hanging a structure from an intervention. On reflection, this would have provided an interesting venture to develop the design idea. After various pieces of research and the proposal being linked to community allotments, the quantity of light entering the temple was important. Therefore, having a hanging structure in the temple would potentially create too many shadows on the site and limit the crops from growing.


Overall, both the scratch material projects have influenced the design outcome. However, the research has led me to consider not using carbon fibre in the project. But the idea of using a tensile structural system is something that I have taken forward throughout the design development.


Please also review the tutorial presentation boards with more information about the Scratch Material Project.

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